Osteoarthritis is a disease that leads to deformation of joint cartilage. As a result, the cartilage gradually becomes thinner and loses its integrity, which can lead to the separation of the tissue into fibers. For a progressive disease, the exposure of the body of the bone and the appearance of small cracks are more characteristic.

Also, acute and slow inflammatory processes are observed. Asking the question of how to cure arthrosis, it is necessary to take into account all the specifics of the course of the disease, the cause of which is often the aging of the body as a whole, or the presence of various joint injuries in the past.
What determines the effectiveness of arthrosis treatment?
Treatment of arthrosis can be very effective if all the necessary measures are taken at the right time. At first, the doctor prescribes a series of diagnostic measures to determine the presence of lesions and their severity. This can take a lot of time, and also requires patience and patience from the patient. Depending on the degree (stage) of the disease, a detailed treatment plan is drawn up.
Treatment of arthrosis requires an integrated approach. Sometimes, the greatest efficiency can be achieved through the simultaneous and competent use of traditional medicine, medications and a special diet that is necessary when a certain disease is detected.
The most important anti-inflammatory drugs: steroidal and non-steroidal drugs that can relieve inflammation and stop further tissue damage. However, sometimes, traditional medicine also shows a good result, allowing you to save the body from a disease without using chemicals and physiotherapy.
The effectiveness of arthrosis treatment depends mainly on the degree of tissue damage - the neglect of the disease, as well as on a well-designed treatment program and an integrated approach.
That is why it is so important not to miss the moment of the beginning of the development of the disease to avoid problems in the future.
Arthrosis: treatment methods
Today, there are many different ways to treat osteoarthritis.
This includes:
- reducing the load on injured joints;
- orthopedic way;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- physiotherapy: laser and shock wave therapy, electromagnetic pulse therapy, magnetotherapy, etc. ;
- intra-articular oxygen therapy, or saturation of joint tissues with oxygen;
- decompression of the metaepiphysis and placement of intraosseous blocks;
- pharmacotherapy, including non-steroidal and steroid hormonal drugs, as well as anti-inflammatory drugs;
- specific diet;
- Spa treatment.
It must be admitted that the classic scheme for the treatment of arthrosis is long-term.
Pharmacotherapy can include non-steroidal and non-hormonal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as taking steroids and other drugs that the patient will have to take for a long period of time.
Many experts agree that the best cure for arthrosis is moderate physical activity and adherence to a special diet that includes foods that are beneficial to the body.
Diet for arthritis
Diet is the most important step in the treatment of osteoarthritis. After all, often, one of the factors that complicates the course of the disease is excess weight. The main goal of the diet, in this case, is to provide the body with all the necessary substances, including vitamins and trace elements, and at the same time prevent weight gain. It can complement non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and, to a greater extent, contribute to increasing the effectiveness of treatment.
It is important to include protein-rich foods in your diet. Promotes the restoration of cartilage tissue. The use of dairy products, lean meat, legumes, as well as dishes with oats and oats is welcome. Drinking milk and kefir, with arthrosis, is also useful because it contains calcium, which is so necessary to maintain healthy bones and joints.
A special place is occupied by products rich in gelatin and collagen: aspic, jelly, bone broth, etc. In folk medicine, the treatment of arthrosis with gelatin is extremely popular, for the simple reason that it is the lack of such an important substance as natural gelatin in the tissues of the joint and ligamentous apparatus that leads to the development of the disease. Reviews about the treatment of arthrosis with gelatin, in general, are very positive.
Folk methods for the treatment of arthrosis
There are several popular ways to treat the disease. Among the most popular and effective:
- treatment with gelatin. All depending on the degree of the disease, gelatin is able to somewhat improve the situation, alleviating the patient's suffering. In addition, non-steroid drugs used in traditional medicine are not able to cause any harm to the body. So, traditional healers advise drinking puffed gelatin prepared according to a very simple recipe: a teaspoon of dry gelatin should be diluted in a glass of warm water, mixed thoroughly, let it brew. You should drink this medicine once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach. Gelatin is not able to completely replace anti-inflammatory drugs, but it can be an excellent addition to the prescribed course of treatment. In addition, in this way it is possible to prevent the development of the disease at an early stage.
- Fir oil, to a greater or lesser extent, helps to get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is very useful, especially at an early stage of the development of the disease. First, you need to warm the joint with a warm sea salt compress. Next, the skin in the place of the affected area is rubbed with fir oil, massage movements. A waterproof insulating bandage is applied on top to improve the rate of absorption of beneficial microelements and to achieve their intended purpose. Such rubbing should be done no more than 1-2 times a day.
- Ointment based on nettle and juniper has received numerous positive reviews from grateful patients. It can be bought at a pharmacy, or you can make it yourself. For this you will need: green juniper berries, freshly picked nettle leaves, mutton oil. By weight, all ingredients should be present in equal volumes. Leaves and berries should be finely chopped, mixed with oil, transferred to a glass container and placed in the refrigerator. Depending on the degree of damage and the patient's well-being, this ointment should be rubbed into the affected areas 1-2 times a day. The duration of treatment is symptomatic.