The reason, Marta, for neck pain s is degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine. Each year, this disease is getting any younger. Susceptible people who work day to day in a sitting position, do not participate in physical activity. And important and the sword that the cervical degenerative disc disease, its symptoms and treatment at home.
Characteristics of the disease
Osteochondrosis – a disease that affects the spine or rather, intervertebral discs. When the development of the soft elements are damaged discs and costeniuc, and the vertebrae begin to touch each other, thus squeezing blood vessels and the nerve fibres close.

Cervical osteochondrosis – one of the most common types of injuries of the spine, which can occur as the elderly and 20 years.
The first signs
Due to the fact that in the neck of the womb is the spinal division of the intervertebral discs, and not very high, even a small injury becomes the cause of the disease. About the beginning of the problems that can give testimony:
- osiplosti, hoarseness;
- the increase in dental problems (he has to go to the dentist more often than and usual, for example, due to the destruction in part of the bumps);
- blurred vision;
- feeling the burn between the shoulder blades;
- throat pain, such as angina pectoris;
- pain in the shoulder Department in the region occipital, through the length of the hands;
- weakness legs of the above;
- the loss of the coordination, which is reflected unequal in the march;
- frequent dizziness, that may be fainting;
- reduces the resistance;
- feeling of fatigue original work of art immediately woke up,
- periodically repeating headaches on the left side of the chest, which radiates to the arm;
- the limitation of the mobility of the neck, the crisis when it I s tour tilts.
In several cases, cervical osteochondrosis can have a number of other symptoms. Therefore, dependent on the location of the damaged intervertebral disc.
Specialists distinguish several types of syndromes, characteristic for cervical degenerative disc disease, including:
- Root. Develops Is a cause of pinched nerve. The person who experiences acute pain are clean that is from the neck up to the shoulders, then forearms on and so until your fingers (or a hand). Also syndrome radicular characterized by tingling or "Murakami" in the skin, blanching of the skin and slight swelling.
- Artery Vertebral syndrome. The main feature, the "wrap-around" headache. Most often, this pain and constant, but in some cases may be recurring. Amplification of the pain it produces original works of art augment the activity of the or original works of art from a long stay in an awkward position. With a simultaneous decrease in immunity, headache can be accompanied by nausea and loss of consciousness. In this case, a possible hearing, vision and problems with the apparatus vestibular com.
- Syndrome cervical migraine. In this case, due to changes in the position of the vertebrae and the discs between them the s altered circulation of the brain that is accompanied by ringing in the ears or nasal congestion, tachycardia, noise in the head, etc.
- The arterial hypertension. It is characterized by the intracranial increase of pressure. The patient suffers from strong headaches, often accompanied by feeling of nausea.
Often during the exacerbation of the disease the patient can rise the temperature of the body.
Characteristics of the stages of the disease and the symptoms

In the process of the disease development experts distinguish 4 stages:
- Phase I. In this stage, the displacement intervertebral disc, a violation of its stability. The person can feel the muscle tension in the affected area and some pain. For mild symptoms, as a rule, this stage takes place almost imperceptibly.
- Stage II. It begins with the destruction of the ring fibrous, the reduction of the distance between the vertebrae. Symptoms – pain is localized in certain points and the growing inclination or turning the head. Also at this point that may be the tiredness.
- Phase III. The Ring fibrous completely destroyed, the hernia is formed. The spine, a, thus, deformed, the pain became much stronger. To reduce the inconvenience to a person obliged to limit the movement. Obvious signs of frequent dizziness, fatigue.
- Stage IV. This stage is characterized by complete immobility damaged part of the spine. Periodically possible extinction of the pain, but original work of art is always returned, increasing in destinations sometimes.
The deepest of the submarine of the intervertebral discs, the lower and the probability of complete cure of the disease.
Causes of cervical degenerative disk disease
There are destinations reasons for the start and the development of the disease. Among the most common:
- the genetic predisposition;
- posture;
- the age;
- the trauma of the spine;
- heavy loads, including heavy physical work and sport;
- infectious diseases transferred earlier;
- wearing tight uncomfortable or shoes shoes with claws, high;
- little healthy diet, including excessive harmful foods.
In addition, the appearance of degenerative disc disease can contribute to excess weight, the frequency of stress, sedentary lifestyle, and even severe hypothermia.
The danger of the disease
As soon As he began cervical osteochondrosis, the stronger may be one of the possible complications. On the incidence of the disease at an early age as possible following consequences:
- herniated intervertebral disc;
- cervical radiculopathy roots;
- intervertebral protrusion in the cervical spine (outgoing);
- vertebrogenic cervicalgia, etc.
Also in the operation of a case of degenerative disk potential problems with disease in vertebrates arteries, the development of paresis and other diseases related to it."
Rules for home treatment

To treat cervical osteochondrosis destinations ways, including to carry out the treatment at home, but under certain rules. First home therapy to give only the initial phase of the disease. Disease Ca advanced you can also use home methods, but in combination with more treatments professional. In the second place, the methods of self-medication at home should be agreed with the attending of a doctor original work of art accurate diagnosis.
Sure medications
Modern pharmacy offers a wide variety of different tablets, patches and ointments or gels are directional. These tools not only will help you to get rid of pain in osteochondrosis, but also prevent to examine the subsequent destruction of the cartilage of the intervertebral discs.
Among the most sure popular pharmacy products for the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease are often noted:
- Warming and anesthetic ointments/gels.
- Muscle relaxants – drugs that reduce the muscle tone, and reduce inflammation.
- Transdermal patches having specific medicinal treatment, which are the most used commonly thiamine (vitamin B1), the glucosamine chondroitin sulfate. Under the influence of the heat of the drug easily penetrates into the tissues and muscles, providing anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. In addition, also the patch a relieve the spasms of muscles and return them to physical activity.
- Vitamin complexes. The vitamins and integrating are part of the therapy, since the strengthen the body to improve the metabolic processes in it, which, in turn, affects the recovery of the cartilage muscle and the improvement of the conduction of nerve impulses, the normalization of the sensitivity of the skin, etc., Among the vitamins necessary in the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, the experts distinguished the group the b vitamins, and retinol (A) tocopherol (E) calciferol (D), ascorbic and acid nicotinic
- Chondroprotectors. The main action of these drugs and aimed at the restoration of tissues, cartilages, increasing the circulation of blood and reduce the pain. However, treatment with these results the drug was given, which should be applied for a certain period of time (3 to 6 months).
To improve the effectiveness of treatment and possible to combine drugs from different groups, for example, with the vitamin complex chondroprotectors and patches.
The use of traditional recipes
The un bunch of recipes for the treatment of degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine can be found in the folk medicine:
- To relieve the pain during the exacerbation osteochondrosis help of the un-current in the balance sheet from hell. For this reason, a need to apply to the sore spot on the inner side and fix it with bandage. Sheet of pre-scalded with boiling water. By morning, the pain was in the neck calm, almost 100%.
- As preventive medical assistance, can use and potatoes. To prepare the medicine, the potato, the tuber of medium size rubbed on un fine grater I mix with honey in proportion 1:1. The consistency resulting from the composition look like it has in the ointment. Potato and honey mixture s used as a compresses applied to the neck of the compression at the top of the same paper and I towel I managed with a bandage. To keep the poultice should be 2 hours, original work of art, of which the skin, clean the un with a damp cloth and stained pine with oil. During the exacerbation of osteochondrosis, treatment should be 7 to 10 days, and for the prevention of compress can be done 1 time per week.
- Another popular recipe also takes part of a bee product propolis. To homemade drugs, you will need 1 g of propolis, 50 g of aloe juice (freshly squeezed) and mustard powder. All these ingredients are dissolved in 0.5 liters of vodka or alcohol (watered down). The resulting solution was used to impregnate a fabric, original works of art that applied in the cervical area at night. To enhance the effect of the neck, in addition, you can wrap woolen un scarf.
- Paraffin compresses – another remedy against the to fight inflammation and pain. Before applying on the neck, the wax is melted in a steam bath and a let it a little for cool down not to burn the skin. Instead of wax wax you can use. Heating with paraffin wax or are held 1 time in 3 days.
- The paste with turpentine. For this method of treatment and you need to make a paste of flour of rye and filtered water. S should be quite elastic, but not too strong. From the received dough to form a pancake. Original works of art of the evil of this place with rubbed turpentine I put on top of the finished cake. Duration of procedure 15-20 minutes, the frequency of 3 times a week.

For the treatment of cervical degenerative disc disease, the traditional medicine not only compresses and offers the touch, but also the means for the reception of the interior:
- A base of herbs. For a of the un to prepare a medicinal infusion should be leaves of dandelion, yarrow, thyme, herba de Sant Joan, chamomile and calendula. Each ingredient – 1 tablespoon of All vegetable ingredients are well mixed. Then, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture, put them in a thermos, pour 1 liter of boiling water and insist in a few hours. A point of infusion drink 3 times a day (60 ml per serving) before eating. The course of treatment – 20 days.
- Infusion of bay leaves. To make it 1 Cup of water will require 10 grams of bay leaves. All are situated the ingredients in an enamel pan and the fire lent a boil for 5 in 5 minutes the broth resulting to insist 3 hours and filtered. Drink the infusion during the day in small SIPS. The course of 4 and dies. Original works of art from a week's break, repeat the treatment.
- The un-prepared herbal decoctions of parsley. It is prepared in the following way: 3 tablespoons of crushed roots of the plant and pour in 750 ml of boiled water and heat slowly for hours. The broth resulting and filtered then cooled. Drink the medicine twice a day, 1 tablespoon. spoon. This should be in the morning on an empty stomach and before sleep.
- Infusion of celery juice. Prepare api For the root is rubbed on un fine grater, original works of art that the mass and the resulting squeeze on funds out the juice. Then, for each tablespoon of juice and add 100 ml of hot water boiled water I let them soak for 2 hours. Take of the infusion of 2 tablespoons. tablespoons before each restaurant meal.
- Infusion with leaves of blueberry. This infusion makes the un good anti-inflammatory effect. To make 3 c. s.. dry powder leaves, pour a glass of boiling water. Original works of art, two hours from the result of the composition, strain and drink 2 tablespoons three times a day.
- Alcohol tincture of pine nuts. To receive drugs, pine-nuts effective with the shell crushed, put in a container glass and pour vodka. Close the hood and either put in one place for a week dark. The daily capacity should be carefully shake. Original works of art of 7 days, the infusion resulting is filtered. Drink three times a day, 2 tsp per dose.
As Well as the un medium-you to replenish the potassium and the calcium in the body traditional medicine recommends eating tablespoons destinations of sesame seeds daily (in a time of food a spoon, but doing so destinations sometimes in the day).
The effectiveness of the"self-massage

Kneading, friction, and delicate, improve blood circulation, reduce the pain, a relieve tension in the muscles, to normalize the metabolism. However, in order not to harm yourself during the"self-massage is necessary to observe some rules:
- Massage needs to be done exclusively with the fingers of the pads.
- Not to put pressure on the wound area.
- All the movements must be soft, meaning strong and fast pressure.
- And massage necessary to the back of the head, the muscles of the back and side areas of the neck.
- To perform the procedure that you sitting. For convenience, and to launch necessary to a leg over the other and rests the elbow to get to the back of the neck and the spine. Hand The opposite and need to embrace the neck from all sides.
The duration of the massage – 10 minutes. Frequency daily. Not, a need to do self-massage with strong pain. Best to wait until that subsides a little.
Correctly performed massage can be useful and more efficient than even the best medication.

And convenient complement to the treatment of exercises and home gymnastics. It is recommended to carry out warming original work of art in the bath or the shower. The most effective exercises cervical osteochondrosis are:
- Tilts The head. You need to get up To run straight, extend the hands along the body and tilt the head forward, then backward. Every situation should be a few seconds delayed 10.
- S tilts to the side. It does not change the previous position, the head inclined to the left and the right, also have it in each direction for 10 sec.
- The situation in the same, but now you must go alternatively tilt in all directions, lingering for half a minute.
- I revolts in The vaults. Put hands at the waist, the chin pushed slightly forward and the head rotate the head to the un side in order that is based on the shoulder. In this site, you will have to stay quiet for 50 seconds.
- The breeding of hands. This exercise is performed in the sitting position. To do this, sit in a chair, hands put on my knees. Original works of art from the hand's stretched forward and gently raised hand. At the same time, tilt the head, then return to the starting position.
- Difficult turns. The left palm is placed the right on the shoulder (the elbow en'right angle) and, at the same time, the head of the turn to the right. Then, also perform the exercise with the right hand.
In addition also these help with exercises osteochondrosis and many others. For example, during the holidays you can go to the un disk sofa is made so that the shoulders put on the edge and your head hanging down. The hands should be relaxed and extended along the body. In the few minutes necessary to climb up and down the head, straining exclusively to the muscles of the neck. The first exercise performed lying on the back, and original works of art just to flip on his stomach.